Dr. Jory Hadsell is the Vice Chancellor of Technology for the Foothill–De Anza Community College District, providing leadership for administrative and educational technology services, institutional research and planning, and serving students and staff in a large, multi-college district located in Silicon Valley. Dr. Hadsell also serves as executive sponsor of the California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative, a state-wide grant-funded initiative for the California Community Colleges that has expanded online learning access, infrastructure, and professional development across 116 institutions. He has held various academic roles at the community college and university level, including service as adjunct faculty, tenured professor, and administrator. Foothill-De Anza is the principal partner of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to lead the state's new Digital Center for Innovation, Transformation, and Equity. As the Vice Chancellor of Technology at Foothill-De Anza and as Visiting Executive for Strategic Technology Initiatives at the State Chancellor's Office, Dr. Hadsell serves as managing executive of the Digital Center and provides strategic leadership for statewide technology.